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Thursday 30 August 2018

Wakes Week

There were times, in the 50s, 60s and the 70s, when whole towns in the North virtually closed - tumbleweed through the streets and so on (not really) - the reason was simple .. . in those industrial days, it made sense to close down a manufacturing plant for maintenance for a while, a week or a fortnight, and there was little point in having staff, workers, hanging around doing nothing so everyone (except the maintenance men - I don't recall any maintenance women, but, if there were, my apologies to them).  So, the whole workforce went off on holiday at the same time and places like Blackpool, Morecambe and, for the more adventurous, Paignton and Torquay became very busy.

Why didn't they all trot off to Spain and the like?  Because, back then, air fares were hugely higher than they are now and only the relatively well off could afford to fly.

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